Sirius -
Strange Passage
What did we do during the pandemic? Well, we created a film set and made a short film, as one does.
The resulting film, directed by Stephen Fuller is called Sirius - Strange Passage and features a cast of local actors and music composed by Tripoly, Stephen Fuller and Rowan Meyer.
The film is set around the crew of the transport brig Sirius who engage to take a mysterious trio of passengers to a destination unknown. The eldest of the passengers, an aged mage on her life's last voyage has found a successor in the unlikely guise of the youngest member of the ship's crew - a dreamer and misfit.

Sirius Strange Passage
Click on the movie to watch!
Setting the Scene...
Interviews with cast members and a look behind the scene..
Creating the Soundtrack
Sirius - Strange Passage has no dialogue - the music supports the narrative.
Creating a soundtrack for our short film meant all hands on deck. It was a new experience for all of us except director Stephen Fuller (who's already got an award under his belt for sound).
Out of seeming chaos came something quite lovely.
Building the Sirius
To get the right feel for Sirius - Strange Passage, we built our own custom set - the interior and exterior of a transport ship as well as a harbour.
All the little details like rigging, wheel, compass all had to be created from things we found locally (and mostly for free!)
We are grateful to the Fuller family for their generosity in letting us take over their barn to create Sirius's world!
Gag Reel
Our thanks to Theresa Graham for putting together a lovely, funny series of out-takes for the Sirius project!